Many of our clients and customers have sensitivities to certain chemicals and smells, therefore we ask that you please refrain from wearing perfume or anything scented the day you come in for your appointment. Thank you for understanding.
Appointment days are Mondays and Thursdays only for the services listed below.
A credit card is required to hold these appointments. If you are a no show for this appointment or don’t cancel within the allotted time, you will be charged the full appointment price.
Personal Health Consult: Speak with our Practitioner about any body imbalances you are experiencing and she will talk to you about things you can do to bring your body back into balance.
The WORKS: Includes: Symptom Survey, Live and Dry Blood Cell Analysis, Reams PH testing, Nutritional Counseling, Aqua-Chi Foot Bath + 1 Follow-up visit.
Thermography: Digital Thermal Imaging of the Body
Live/Dry Blood Cell Observation: Your Blood Under a Microscope.
Heart Sound Recorder: Can be an important tool in evaluating your overall health.
Progress Check: Recheck of Urine & Saliva Analysis + Consult
Appointments for the services below can be made for anytime during the week.
Far-Infrared Sauna (50 Minutes) & Aqua Chi Foot Bath (30 Minutes)
Pay cash for 4 sessions of the above services and your 5th session on us! Pay cash each time you use the service. We will keep track and let you know when you are at 4. (Not combinable with already discounted wellness packages or specials)
Remember, when you come for your Far Infrared Sauna appointment, bring a towel and plenty of water with you.
Mild Hyperbaric Therapy (HBT) (50 Minutes), Vibration Plate Exercise Machine (10 Minutes)
Pay cash for 4 sessions of HBT only or Cold Light Laser only or Vibration Plate only and your 5th session on us! (Not combinable with already discounted wellness packages or specials)
The services below are provided by different businesses located within About Your Health. Contact them directly to make an appointment.
Colonics - Spring Rain Hydrotherapy - Linda Salyer
Energy Work- Harmonious Healing - Leslie Boland
Chiropractor - Dr. Rachel Jones - 803-717-0300
Myofascial Release - Palmetto Wellness -Sandy Osborne
Facials and Skin Care - Expect Clarity Aesthetics -Angie Jewell
Myofascial Release - Midlands Myofascial Release - Mona Strickland
Gift Certificates available for most services at About Your Health.